Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bedwetting Information - Help For Bed Wetting Problems

Wetting the bed can be an embarrassing and traumatizing event, especially for older children and adults who are far past the normal bed wetting stages. Contrary to common sense, bed wetting is more often a psychological problem than a physical one in children, though this tends to be reversed in adults. Physical causes of bed wetting can be as simple as a bladder infection or as serious as prostate cancer (in men). It's important to meet with a doctor to rule these out when dealing with finding a cause and solution to bed wetting.

The psychological aspect of wetting the bed comes from extreme stress and/or anxiety. Many times stress and anxiety can manifest in our subconscious and emerge in our dreams, which can aggravate the bed wetting problem even further.

In a child the threshold for stress and anxiety is much lower and the stress or anxiety can often come from even positive events, as the child doesn't know how to process their feelings. If this is the case, it's important to be supportive, not judgmental or use any form of punishment for the bed wetting, and ask them how they are feeling about the things going on in their life. Help them identify and name the emotions they are feeling and encourage them that all their feelings are normal and accepted by you.

For an adult, the physical aspects can be treated fairly easily and a solution may easily be found. If the problem is not physical, work with a therapist may be necessary to find the root of the bed wetting trigger and bed wetting products may need to be used in the meantime. Some of these products include bed wetting alarms and bed wetting pads and can be used at any age to help train the brain to wake up in time to go and to help protect clothing and bedding.

Wetting the bed is hard no matter the age or reason and should never be met with disgust or negativity. Support, love and acceptance can go along way in helping the bed wetter through their tough time and aid in finding a quicker solution.

One of the most effective treatments for wetting the bed is by using a bed wetting alarm. Learn more about bedwetting alarms and pads at: http://BedWettingAlarmsForLess.com


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