Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Can Boost Your Brain No Matter How Old You Are

Many people accept the fact that mental functions and cognitive abilities start to diminish as a person grows older. Thus, many accept forgetfulness and memory fog as a natural consequence to aging which becomes noticeable as soon as a person reaches the age of 60. However, this should not be the case. There are many individuals who are in their 70s or 80s who still have sharp memories and bright minds.

If you do not want to end up suffering from memory gaps and slow cognitive abilities, you should consider following the tips to boosting your brainpower.

Learn New Things

You need to continually challenge your mind in order to make it sharper. So, even if you are over 50, it is a good idea to enroll in courses or trainings that will let you learn new things and skills. You can probably study how to crochet, do cross-stitching and other stuff. If you like to travel, learning a new language would really be an exciting idea. Lastly, you may also want to consider learning more about computers and the Internet.

Try Solving Puzzles And Crosswords

One of the simplest and most inexpensive ways of boosting your brainpower is by solving crosswords and other puzzles. Instead of wasting your time watching the television all the time or gossiping about your neighbor, you may want to read the newspaper and try to solve the puzzles found in the comics section. If you are not really a fan of puzzles, you might find it hard to answer crosswords and similar brain-boosting activities. However, if you persist you will soon find them entertaining and truly challenging.

Mentally Solve Math Problems

Another effective way to challenge your mind is by trying to compute numbers in your head. With the availability of calculators, people do not rely on mental computations to solve math problems anymore. However, if you are truly interested in being mentally alert even when you reach 100, you better find ways to sharpen your math skills. You can do this while you are waiting in line or when you are stuck in traffic.

Listen to Music Composed By Mozart

Not only infants can benefit from the music created by Mozart. Even adults who want to improve their spatial skills could benefit from listening or even singing music created by Mozart. However, experts still are unsure of the reason behind the effectiveness of Mozart's music in enhancing the brain.

Exercise Regularly

You do not need to focus on your brain health alone if you want to have sharp mental faculties. You also need to pay attention to your physical health. Studies have shown that regular exercise can boost blood circulation, which in turn benefits your brain. In fact, if you feel burned out, just step out of your office and walk a little and you will soon feel that your brain has been recharged.

Improve Your Waste Elimination System

People who are constipated also experience inability to concentrate properly and even grapple with memory lapses. It seems that having too much rotting wastes inside the colon can cloud your mind too. In order to get rid of constipation and thoroughly cleanse your colon, you might need to undergo detoxification. One product that can help you experience colon cleansing with ease is Colopril.

Know more about this product by visiting http://www.colopril.com/

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com


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