Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Fatigue a Daily Occurrence?

If you struggle out of bed after two hours sleep, a night of partying and overeating, you will naturally feel tired and drag through the day. But if you go to bed at a reasonable hour and still wake up tired, you could have an underlying health problem. You may be able to solve this with a lifestyle change or you may need to seek medical help.

Some people have sleep apnea. Loud snoring indicates a high possibility of sleep apnea. This is particularly true if you also have morning headaches and high blood pressure. People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing for very short periods of time during their sleep. These pauses in breathing may occur frequently. The result is chronic fatigue and lessened ability to function during the day. If you have this combination of symptoms, you should see your doctor.

Fatigue can also be the result of a vitamin deficiency. Many people, particularly women, do not get enough B complex vitamins and vitamin C. A vitamin C supplement of 500 mg. together with 7 mg. of vitamin B5 and 100 mg of vitamin B6 can boost your energy and eliminate fatigue. Of course, you should check with your doctor before adding a new supplement to your diet.

Another problem could be lack of water or an improper drinking pattern. Remember, when you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. You need to drink water throughout the day to ensure you do not become thirsty.

Fatigue can be a side effect of medications. Some drugs that are prescribed to lower cholesterol interfere with the formation of coenzyme Q-10. Your body needs CoQ-10 to convert the foods you eat into cellular energy. So if you are taking these medicines, and you're fatigued, check with your doctor about either changing medications or adding a CoQ-10 supplement.

Fatigue can also signal thyroid problems. Thyroid problems are not only difficult to diagnose but the mild ones often go undiagnosed. Other symptoms of thyroid imbalance are cold hands, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, cholesterol problems, and anxiety. If you suspect you have a thyroid problem you need to see your doctor and be tested.

Eating too close to bedtime often brings on fatigue. Doctors recommend that you have nothing to eat in the last three hours before bedtime. Also, after your last meal of the day, spend thirty minutes in some type of mild physical activity such as walking. It should not be a strenuous activity but should require you to be in a standing position and moving.

Fatigue is the primary symptom of depression. Women are more susceptible to anxiety related fatigue than men because women's brains produce fifty percent less of the mood boosting serotonin. People should not be shy or embarrassed about consulting their health care provider if depression might be a problem. There are many medications available to help.

Women can also suffer fatigue due to yeast infections. The yeast releases biotoxins into the blood stream. These affect brain function and lower alertness and energy levels. Restricting your intake of sugar will often reverse yeast overgrowth.

The bottom line is you don't have to live with fatigue. Consult your health care provider and make the lifestyle changes, which will give you back your life again.

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