Friday, November 21, 2008

Your Keys to Rock-Solid Ankle Stability, Explosive Sports Performance and Incredible Balance!

If you were to ask me which often-neglected body part you could work that would have the greatest immediate impact on your sports performance, my answer would be instantaneous...the ankles.

The ankles are admittedly not glamorous. You're never going to have someone ask you to flex your ankle for them or ask you to roll down your sock for a better look.

But think of it this way...can you think of a single sport that doesn't involve the ankle in some way (poker and billiards don't count as sports, even if they're on ESPN - we'll limit ourselves to sports during which you can't smoke and drink).

If you're playing football and you need to make a sharp lateral cut to avoid getting hit, the majority of that force goes right through the ankle. A weak ankle will turn and possibly sprain. A strong ankle will take that force and allow you to make that sharp, powerful cut and leave tacklers in the dust!

Think of every racket sport you many of these involve planting a foot, lunging for ball then rapidly changing direction?

Even if you're just running or sprinting in a straight line, you can benefit from stronger ankles. When your foot contacts the ground, all the force of your muscles propelling you forward goes directly through the ankles.

And one more HUGE benefit to strong ankles? With proper training, you can make them practically injury-proof!

Using myself as an example, after doing ankle stability training (like the kind I'm about to tell you about), I had an instance playing tennis where I was lunging to the side to reach for a ball. My foot stopped but my momentum continued to carry my body laterally. My ankle bent 90 degrees, touching my outside ankle bone to the ground.

Without ankle strengthening, it would have been sprained for sure. As it was, my ankle popped right back up and I kept playing like nothing had even happened! No injury, no swelling, no tenderness, no problem!

Balance is another tremendous benefit. When your ankles are strong, you will be much better able to keep your balance even under awkward conditions. Think about it...the small muscles of the ankle are constantly firing to maintain balance (if you've ever run in the sand, you know how sore your ankle and calf muscles get the next day).

These small muscles play an extremely important role in balance. Strengthening them will give you a greater ability to maintain your balance, even if you've already got great balance right now!

So now that you know what ankle strengthening can do for you, let's get into the nuts and bolts of how to do it.

These exercises can be done at the end of your weight or cardio workout or at the end of sports practice sessions. I wouldn't recommend starting a training session (or especially a sports practice session) with them as fatiguing these support muscles and the connective tissue in the area will leave the ankles temporarily weaker and possibly more prone to injury (until they have a chance to recover and strengthen). Doing these exercises at the end of a session avoids this potential issue completely.

You'll note that many of the concepts I will describe here involve balance training but with added twists to target them directly to ankle strengthening.

At the end of the article, you will find a link with pictures of these exercises in action.

Here are the techniques:

1. Standing and balancing

This is a very simple exercise and the one we'll start with. All you need to do is stand on one foot and balance there for as long as you can!

As you work to keep yourself balanced, you will notice that your ankle is constantly shifting around to compensate for slight changes in your body position. This constant shifting is working the supporting muscles of the ankles!

You can do this exercise anywhere at any time. All you need to do is stand on one foot and balance there for a minute or two, then switch to the other foot. It's so easy, you can get it done at the bus stop or while you're making dinner!

It is deceptively simple but very effective. This is because in everyday life, you very rarely stand on one foot for any length of time. Your ankles and calves are not required to balance or support you as much. When you stand on one foot, you force these supporting muscle to work overtime.

For an added twist, try closing your eyes while balancing. Without the visual cues to help keep you balanced, your ankles will have to work much harder.

2. Standing and balancing with weights

The next step up from the previous exercise is holding onto a pair of dumbells (or other form of resistance) while you are balancing on one foot. What this does is simply increase the resistance with which you are working. This increase in resistance will increase the demand on the muscles.

The more weight you use on this exercise, the more strength you'll be able to build up in your ankles. Think of it this way...if you're holding onto 2 50-lb dumbells, that's an extra 100 lbs that your body must work to balance. If you hold 2 100-lb dumbbells, you've got 200 extra pounds! This is extreme overload and overload builds strength, especially when your ankle muscles have never experienced this kind of stress before!

If you get to the point where you're unable to hold onto the heavy dumbbells for long enough to be effective, you may wish to try placing a barbell across your shoulders as though you were doing a squat (do this in the squat rack with the safety rails set high).

This will also have the effect of increasing the instability of the exercise, making it more challenging for the ankles. Also, you'll be able to use FAR more weight (I've gone as high as 405 lbs for this version).

3. Standing on an unstable surface and balancing

Now that you've learned how to work with the dumbbells, it's time to move on to balancing on an unstable surface. This will really challenge the strength of your ankles.

Some good surfaces you can use include foam (like the foam on a flat bench), a pile of towels or clothing, sand, air mattress, etc. There are a great many surfaces that are effective for this. Feel free to use your imagination. I like to use a rolled-up towel set on the floor for this one - no need to buy any expensive equipment!

This balancing can be done either with or without weights. If you are using weights, I would suggest sticking to dumbbells - they're easier to control than the barbell.

4. Standing, balancing and catching

You can do this variation in combination with the first or third variation. Have someone throw a ball or other object to you while you are standing on one foot (you can also bounce a ball off a wall if you're training alone).

This will force you to shift your balance around dramatically while standing on one foot, further forcing your ankles to work, while also developing your co-ordination while balancing.

5. Swinging dumbbell calf raises

This exercise adds the large muscles of the calves to the mix. Basically, you will do as the name implies - you will do a single leg calf raise, holding onto one single dumbbell, swinging it around yourself in random directions as you do the calf raise. This forces your calves and ankles to build stabilizing strength VERY quickly.

It also helps train your ankles to react quickly to sudden random stresses, much like in a sporting event. This is very practical movement that has great carryover into sports.

Now that you have this knowledge, it's time to put it into practice! Consistent training with these techniques will have a tremendous, immediate impact on your sports performance. You'll be cutting sharper, pivoting stronger and be practically injury-proof in no time!

Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of BetterU, Inc. and has been inventing new training techniques and exercises for 17+ years. Nick has written many training books including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass" & "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" -

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Importance of Staying Fit

When age catches up with us and we cut a sorry figure, losing all confidence, the mantra of staying fit has more sweetness than anything else. Anything that promises to keep you young and youthful catches your fancy and you shell out your shillings without second thought. When the world is fed on global feast and more and more delectable food, often fat laden foods tickle our palate, who could blame us if our waistlines started expanding? More than that, our lifestyle has changed tremendously.

The pleasure of driving a sedan has made us forget that we were given legs to travel distances. We have become slaves of comforts provided by modern technology. Everything comes to us these days at the click of a mouse. We have become couched potatoes. Inactivity has become a habit in that we don't mind sitting idle for hours wasting energy and life. This becomes a bane when we hit our middle ages. Youth is always brimming with activity. Your metabolic rate is always at a fast pace and fat has no place on your body. The greatest physical decline happens between the age group of thirty and forty.

During this phase our metabolism slows down dramatically, we lose muscle mass, bones lose flexibility and density and for the saddest part the amount of body fat increases. A slower metabolism is one the biggest reasons for the physical decline. The other being our inactivity, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We have long forgotten the art of walking, cooking healthy meals at home, and regular exercise. As we are after comforts it is so easy to slip into the habit of idleness. Simple exercises on a regular basis can keep you fit. Aerobic activities like swimming, cycling, running are good to do away stress and anxiety. Mild to moderate depression can also be dispelled by following simple exercise programs.

Regular aerobics accelerate the metabolic rate and this in turn will burn those extra calories which would otherwise get deposited as fat. Always remember that you really are what you eat. So instead of falling for all that is junk stick to a balanced diet. A dietary allowance of at least twenty five grams of fiber should also be included daily. Remember that rock hard abs and bulging muscles do not determine your fitness. Just sweeping around the courtyard, wiping the kitchen floor and washing linen can help you rather than keeping idle. Yoga also can help you to keep fit and relieve you of stress.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Chlorine Water Filter Guide - How to Find the Best

You've probably grown sick and tired over the years from hearing people advise you that you should really consider getting a chlorine water filter for your home. Well, whether you're sick of hearing it or not, it really is sound advice if you want to protect the health of your family.

The truth is that it's not simply chlorine that you have to be concerned about anymore. There are roughly 80,000 industrial chemicals that are in use today, and nearly all of them can be currently found in our groundwater system. Over 2,000 of these chemicals have been found to cause cancer.

A chlorine water filter, featuring a granular activated carbon filter along with a multi media block, will effectively remove 99.99% of these deadly chemicals from your household drinking water. I know what you're thinking: Your water has already been cleaned at the water treatment facility, so why do I need a filter?

To be quite honest with you the, water has not been purified by your local treatment facility; it has mainly been de-mineralized. The design of the filters at these treatment facilities will not allow them to block anything of the same molecular weight as water, so all manner of chemical and microbial impurities pass through.

That is why a chlorine water filter must be equipped to remove far more than simply chlorine. There are far too many other dangerous impurities that have to be dealt with, including parasites and cysts that are immune to the effects of chlorine disinfection. These can make you very ill if they are consumed.

As a matter of fact, these parasites can often be deadly to children, elderly people, or those whose immune systems are already weakened due to cancer treatments or some other cause. There must be some barrier for these contaminants, especially if you have small children in the house.

In order to combat this microbial threat, your chlorine water filter must also be equipped with a sub micron filter. This filter will effectively block all manner of these parasites and cysts before they are able to reach your family's drinking glasses. There is one more thing that you also need in order to be protected.

There are traces of toxic metals in your drinking water such as lead and copper. They are there because they have actually leached off of the pipes that carry your water to your faucet. These can be very dangerous for you and your family, and their consumption must be prevented.

In order to do this, your unit must employ an ion exchange filter to trap these metals. What this filter then does is it replaces the trapped metals with sodium and potassium. This unit will also manage the pH level in your water, and keep in perfect balance.

As you can see by now, a chlorine water filter is an absolute necessity to have in your home if you want to maintain good health for yourself and your family, and now is the time for you to make the decision to purchase one.

For free information on how to protect yourself from water contaminated with carcinogens, traces of drugs, hormones, parasites and other toxins click here. Lauren Leddy is a consumer advocate and a dedicated researcher of health related issues. Visit her website now at and discover what she has learned that will help you select the very best water filtration system for your home or office.

5 Ways to Super-Charge Your Energy Levels & Fight Fatigue, 30 Seconds at a Time!

It seems unfortunately most common that people will often neglect their basic needs and pretend that they are solving the most important issues in their life, when really, procrastination has crept in again. Those tired fatigue spells are a reminder from your body that you need to change some things in order to boost your energy levels and stay bouncy and awake throughout the day.

1. Getting sunlight

Increasing your exposure to sunlight increases our intake of 'blue light'. Blue light seems to have the most significant effect on our circadian rhythms than any other type of light. Given that most people spend a large portion of their day indoors, it might be time for you to open the blinds or go for a walk in the fresh air. Especially just before you know you'll need an energy boost!

2. Breathing hard

Oxygen fuels our cells. When you can breathe correctly, you flood your body with nourishing, energetic fuel which has an almost instant effect. Remember to breathe deep into your abdomen and breathe out slowly by pushing your belly button in towards your spine.

3. Energizing movement

Giving yourself the opportunity to move everywhere you go creates more circulation through your body and revitalizes your cells. Move more, more often and your energy levels will increase dramatically. Got no fun ideas? Do some skipping, go for a jog or go rowing, do some pushups or step ups. It only takes 3 minutes to boost your heart rate and get your blood flowing.

4. Tackle your day 15 minutes at a time!

Bringing in the variety never hurt anyone... Break up your usual routine by keeping yourself in a constant stream of variety activities. Do the gardening, change your regular walking path, sample a new food each day. Keep some interesting changes in your life and your energy will change.

5. Take tech-off time

Set a new routine to have some time in the day without electronic devices. Shut off the TV, computer, unhook the phone and switch off your mobile device. It's amazing how much such a simple thing can do to make you more relaxed, replenished and more energetic!

Take heed of these suggestions and you are well on your way to the life of your dreams.

To find out more about how you can lose that stubborn fat and get the abs you've always wanted, visit

Why Health is Wealth

Being health-conscious is important. Be aware of how to properly take care of your body. Teaching health education is aimed in promoting conscientiousness. This involves assessing the current lifestyle and mental state, both crucial in determining one's overall health.

Phases of health:

A. Physical health - refers to the bodily condition itself. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper nourishment and enough rest all promote a healthy body.

B. Mental health- refers to the person's emotional and psychological condition. It involves the cognitive and emotional capacity of a person.

The Four Determinants of Health:

A. Human biology - An area in biology involving the study of the human body. This is also linked to primate biology.

B. Environmental science - The study of substance, chemicals and natural components of the environment.

C. Lifestyle - The totality of a person's outlook, principles, and way of life.

D. Self-care - Individual health maintenance and restoration. This involves decision-making in health matters in relation to one's own body.

Health Maintenance: Achieving a healthy state and staying healthy is a continuous process. The following are components of healthy living:

1. Nutrition - the study of the nutritional content of food, and the effects of these to the body.

2. Sports nutrition - The study of the relationship between dietary supplements and athletic activities. The primary objectives this study is to regulate glycogen levels, optimize energy levels and muscle tone.

3. Exercise - A physical activity involving sweat, that builds muscles and burns fat.

4. Hygiene - The routine of maintaining a clean body to avoid disease and sickness, and to prevent the contact of transmissible causes.

5. Stress Management - Includes methods and/or procedures in combating emotional stress. Stress is defined as a person's physiological reaction to an inner or outer stimulus, causing temporary mental imbalance.

6. Public Health - The study of the neighborhood to ensure a safe living environment to its population.

For more information on The Effect of Stress in the Immune System and The immune system functions please visit our website.

Bedwetting Information - Help For Bed Wetting Problems

Wetting the bed can be an embarrassing and traumatizing event, especially for older children and adults who are far past the normal bed wetting stages. Contrary to common sense, bed wetting is more often a psychological problem than a physical one in children, though this tends to be reversed in adults. Physical causes of bed wetting can be as simple as a bladder infection or as serious as prostate cancer (in men). It's important to meet with a doctor to rule these out when dealing with finding a cause and solution to bed wetting.

The psychological aspect of wetting the bed comes from extreme stress and/or anxiety. Many times stress and anxiety can manifest in our subconscious and emerge in our dreams, which can aggravate the bed wetting problem even further.

In a child the threshold for stress and anxiety is much lower and the stress or anxiety can often come from even positive events, as the child doesn't know how to process their feelings. If this is the case, it's important to be supportive, not judgmental or use any form of punishment for the bed wetting, and ask them how they are feeling about the things going on in their life. Help them identify and name the emotions they are feeling and encourage them that all their feelings are normal and accepted by you.

For an adult, the physical aspects can be treated fairly easily and a solution may easily be found. If the problem is not physical, work with a therapist may be necessary to find the root of the bed wetting trigger and bed wetting products may need to be used in the meantime. Some of these products include bed wetting alarms and bed wetting pads and can be used at any age to help train the brain to wake up in time to go and to help protect clothing and bedding.

Wetting the bed is hard no matter the age or reason and should never be met with disgust or negativity. Support, love and acceptance can go along way in helping the bed wetter through their tough time and aid in finding a quicker solution.

One of the most effective treatments for wetting the bed is by using a bed wetting alarm. Learn more about bedwetting alarms and pads at:

How to Stop Excessive Armpit Sweating

Armpit is defined as 'somewhere or something considered foul' by (Wiktionary). It's easy to reckon why if you've ever experienced having to go without showering up immediately after a bout of armpit sweating. The armpit areas have a high concentration of sweat glands and they are also regarded as a convenient and accurate location for tapping the body temperature with a thermometer.

Armpit sweat has a lot to do with their appearance and odor. We sweat for two primary purposes: that of cooling and lubricating. As armpits are endowed with hair upon puberty, it is also widely believed that there's something sexy about adult armpit sweating. Beside the normal type of sweat glands (eccrine), there's another type (apocrine) which is present in our armpit and private part areas. Odor comes from the wastes of bacteria that feed upon this sweat.

It's not only okay to sweat, we must! All those lymph nodes around the armpit areas, we all know what can happen when they overheat. Our bodies heat up when we exert ourselves physically in sports or work. Likewise when the ambient temperature rises, our bodies will react in tandem. Although sweating to cool our bodies is purposeful, it is involuntary and excessive sweating is not uncommon.

Excessive armpit sweating is a medical condition known as Axillary Hyperhidrosis. It afflicts greater than 1 % of people although the medical threat is typically mild. But as with many ailments, it will not go away on its own and will in fact worsen with time and in serious cases, life becomes a daily struggle. Far worse damage will result when it starts taking its toll on the emotion and psychology of the sufferer.

There's also undersweating of the armpits. It's medically known as Axillary Anhidrosis. Between the two ailments, this is by far more deadly. Fortunately, the deficiency is not as common as its opposite number, Excessive Armpit Sweating. Its root cause though, is also found in the Sympathetic Nervous System except that as opposed to being 'trigger happy', the disorder is in its inability to activate sweating.

Both excessive and deficient armpit sweating can be treated. Depending on the severity, Axillary Hyperhidrosis can be resolved by anything from antiperspirants to sweat gland surgery. Even natural home treatment has been found to be effective. In the case of Axillary Anhidrosis, certified medical attention must be sought without delay as the worst outcome of an attack potentially the worst outcome of all - death!

Whether you are browsing or seriously researching, you can find more information and insight on the topic of Excessive Armpit Sweating by visiting us at How To Stop Excessive Sweating.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Causes Fluid Retention?

When excess fluids build up in the body it is called water retention, fluid retention or edema. Chances are you've experienced at least mild symptoms, but what causes fluid retention? There are a number of factors, but here are the most common causes:

Excessive sodium intake - The average sodium consumption per person in the US is about 4,000-5,000 mg of sodium compared to a recommended daily intake of 1,500-2,400 mg. Is it any wonder our kidneys have difficulties eliminating all that extra? Sodium aids in regulating fluids throughout the body and the kidneys control the amount of sodium in the blood by storing or eliminating it as needed. If consumption is too much for the kidneys to keep up with sodium builds up in the blood and tissues, drawing excess fluids with it. This is probably the most common of all fluid retention causes.

Inadequate exercise - The body needs exercise for many different reasons, including improving circulation and aiding in the flow of fluids through cells and tissues. Without enough exercise, fluids tend to pool in the extremities and even in the face and stomach area.

Allergies - Allergic reactions trigger the release of histamines and histamines will encourage water retention as the body strives to isolate and eliminate irritants. Did you know that overeating can cause something like an allergic reaction too? When the stomach is overloaded, particles of food are forced into the bloodstream, causing the body to retain even more water as it tries to rid itself of the contaminants.

Dehydration - If the body doesn't have enough fluid coming in it can't eliminate or properly circulate what it already has. Water serves a vital function in keeping the body clean by facilitating the flushing of toxins; insufficient amounts can cause severe damage including kidney failure.

Malnutrition - You can think you're healthy overall and still have malnutrition-related problems. Deficiencies of certain key nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and certain vitamins and minerals can cause mild to severe bloating and fluid retention. Some of these deficiencies can easily be overcome by a change in diet, but others may require supplementation to effectively correct.

Disease - Serious water retention can be a symptom of a serious medical disorder such as thyroid disease, kidney disease, kidney failure and more. It's always a good idea to consult a doctor to make sure the cause of your retention is environmental rather than medical in nature. Water retention isn't just a comfort issue. Excess fluid in the body will make you weigh more, force your heart to work harder and is an indicator that something isn't working right to flush potentially harmful toxins from your system. There are many causes, both environmental and dietary, but most of them are fairly easily restricted or eliminated. Diet changes take a lot of personal commitment to be effective and time to exercise isn't always easy to come by, but they can make a significant difference in your overall health.

Visit our website to learn more about Fluid Retention Causes. Progressive Health Inc provides supplements that help replenish nutritional deficiencies caused by various health conditions such as fluid retention.

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in the Body?

After consuming alcohol it is absorbed in the blood stream within minutes. The duration for which the alcohol stays in the body depends upon the quantity of alcohol consumed and metabolic rate at which it is processed in the body. Only ten percent of the alcohol consumed leaves the body by way breath, perspiration and urine, while the remaining is broken down by a metabolic process.

Metabolism - Alcohol:

The rate at which the alcohol is processed remains the same irrespective of the height, weight, color and gender. The metabolism takes place hourly at the rate of .015 of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). The BAC level continues to move in the upward trend after the consumption of alcohol. While it is possible to control the BAC level, one cannot speed up the metabolic rate at which the alcohol is processed. Few drinks like vodka and gin generally do not cause a hangover, but it would be best to avoid alcohol. Endogenous ethanol production takes place in our body 24*7. The volume of this alcohol generation is based on the food consumed. Unfortunately the law does not distinguish between alcohol produced and consumed.

Tips to control your BAC level:

• Any drink whether mixed or straight contains certain amount of pure alcohol, which tests positive with a breathalyzer.

• Eating high protein food reduces the rate of absorption of alcohol in the body.

• Think before venturing into drinking games

• Go for a non - alcohol beverage in order to socialize among a drinking crowd.

• Even while drinking alcohol, spacing it out with a non-alcoholic beverage keeps your BAC level

• It is suggested to restrict your alcohol consumption to 1 drink every hour.

• It is preferable to stay active while drinking in order to be aware of its impact.

• Say a 'no' to unfamiliar drinks for their alcohol levels could be deceiving.

• Take your physician's advice while consuming alcohol during medication.

Growing Taller Tips - 5 Ways How to Grow Taller Naturally

Height is a very important factor in life, as major companies lean towards hiring taller people, reason being is that a taller stature represents leadership and power, it's no wonder that the taller you are the higher quality of life you'll experience, no pun intended. Here you'll learn how to grow taller naturally, and which products to stay away from.

While it's true that nutrition plays a vital role in the growth of our bodies, taking magic "grow taller" pills will NOT help you grow taller at all. Granted, these pills may be super potent and contain essential vitamins and whatnot, but the body doesn't use them for growth, just for good health.

The way the body grows is by secreting what's known as human growth hormone to all parts of the body. This hormone is released in a pattern throughout your life, but as you grow and age, the less and less hormone is released, that is, unless you implement these growing taller tips.

Here are 5 all-natural ways to grow taller.

1. Bursting Sprints
The quick movements from the body at high speeds yield quite a bit of human growth hormone secretion. The longer you can last running at high speeds, the more human growth hormone your body will produce. Also, your legs benefit the most from this exercise and helps them grow longer, which is the main area we want to lengthen in terms of growth.

2. Eat More Meals
Did you know that our metabolism is also a factor of our height? If our metabolism isn't up to speed, it will show in our height. The faster our metabolism is working, the more human growth hormone is let out to the body. A higher metabolism also means more blood circulation, which will stimulate more growth to occur during the secretion of HGH.

3. Hanging
Upside down hanging works wonders to lengthen not only your back, but also your legs. If you can manage to get a good position and strap your legs good enough to hang vertically, then you're golden. This exercises opens your vertebrae on your spinal column, forcing your body to fill them with more bone, which will increase your height. Don't hang longer than 20 minutes at a time as that may damage your back.

4. Swim More Often
Have you noticed that swimmers have naturally slimmer and longer bodies? It's because of swimming, being in the water is like being in space, less gravity means more open bone areas for your body to fill them with new bone tissue. The free motion of swimming is very light on your body and greatly releases stress, which can prevent your body from growing. Try to swim as much as possible, 3 times a week is optimal.

5. Back Stretch
Here's a good back stretch that will stimulate growth. Spread your legs shoulder width apart, grab your hands from behind you, keep your arms straight, then bend forward as much as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds, inhaling as you go down. Then come back, release your breathe, and arch your back backwards and raise your arms behind your head as if you were yawning. This releases tension all over your body and prepares your body to grow a lot more while human growth hormone is secreted.

Don't be left short! Be sure to visit Grow Taller Naturally and be sure to incorporate the best Growing Taller Tips into your height-increasing routine!

Weak Ankles? There is Hope For Your Instability

Got weak ankles? Ever notice that you seem to sprain your ankles multiple times a year? Afraid to walk on uneven surfaces because you know that will result in pain or a sprained ankle? This is all known as chronic ankle instability.

Chronic ankle instability is characterized as a recurrent sprain or weakness in the outside or lateral ankle. This is different from an isolated injury. With chronic ankle instability, patients will complain of their ankles "turning over" or "giving way" without trauma and it happens on a repeating basis. Some may turn their ankle just walking through their house. Other complaints heard from these patients include ankle pain, swelling and a constant feeling of pressure or discomfort in the ankle. It is important to seek treatment if you have these symptoms. If left untreated, chronic ankle instability can lead to arthritis, tendon dysfunction and significant limitation of your daily activities.

Ankle instability often develops after a significant ankle sprain that is not treated agressively, does not heal well or is not appropriately rehabilitated. With an ankle sprain, the ligaments are often stretched or torn and without proper post injury care, can result in a ligament that no longer stabilizes the ankle joint. This predisposes the ankle joint to future injury with minor trauma. People with a high-arched foot or cavus foot can also have chronic ankle instability because of the foot type they were born with.

Diagnosis of chronic ankle instability begins with a complete history of any previous injuries and symptoms of ankle instability. Xrays will also be taken to evaluate the joints and bones of the foot and ankle. MRI can be helpful to diagnose the cause of your instability .

Treatment for this condition will begin with physical therapy in attempt to strengthen the outer ligaments and ankle joint to prevent further injury. This often is combined with custom orthotics which can prevent your ankles from rolling out and reduce the pressure to your lateral ligaments. An ankle brace can help support and also prevents the ankle from rolling. If there is acute inflammation present, an anti-inflammatory drug may be prescribed as well.

For severe cases, surgery may be necessary to prevent constant injury if conservative treatments have failed. There are multiple choices of procedures to fix your instability including tendon transfers and ligament grafting. The decision is based on the severity of your condition.

If you suffer from chronic instability, help is on the way! Contact your podiatric foot and ankle surgeon today! Wobbling through the day is no way to live!

Dr Marybeth Crane is a board certified podiatric foot and ankle surgeon specializing in sports medicine. Your feet should last a lifetime! For more foot health tips, a copy of her FREE BOOK and doctor-approved foot care products, visit her website or read her blog. Your body will thank you for it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Body Shape Questionnaire - Keeping Eating Disorders on the Radar

The body shape questionnaire (BSQ) is a tool used to evaluate behavior and mindset of people who may be prone to eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. It was first introduced in 1986 by P.J. Cooper, M.J. Taylor, Z. Cooper and C.G. Fairburn in an article appearing in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. Many psychologists, psychiatrists and eating disorder specialists have found the BSQ to be highly effective in measuring an individual's level of weight and shape concern, particularly when it is used in conjunction with other measures of body satisfaction and body image.

Typically consisting of 34 questions that receive a rating from 1 to 6, the body shape questionnaire is also available in shorter versions that only feature 16 key questions. The BSQ explores patients' psyches with queries such as: "Has feeling bored made you brood about your shape?" and "Has being with thin women made you feel self conscious about your shape?" While seemingly innocuous, the answers to these questions can be quite telling when there is concern regarding a potential eating disorder. Other questions that probe a little deeper include: "Has eating even a small amount of food made you feel fat?" and "Has thinking about your shape interfered with your ability to concentrate (e.g. while watching television, reading, listening to conversations)?"

While these initial questions may indicate a potential eating disorder, they do not necessarily point toward an individual who is a victim of one. Many of the early questions in the BSQ could simply be reflective of normal or slightly hyper sensitivities to body image. However, there are several questions that are blatant in their indication of an eating disorder or substantial psychosis. Questions such as "Have you vomited in order to feel thinner?" and "Have you taken laxatives in order to feel thinner?" are the crux of the Body Satisfaction Questionnaire. These are the questions that, in all actuality, could potentially save a life.

Perhaps if educators and those who work with young people were educated in the symptoms of eating disorders and even given access to and training in the BSQ, the instances of anexoria nervosa and bulimia nervosa would decline. As an evaluation tool, the BSQ is a positive first step in diagnosing eating disorders or in alerting doctors of an individual's potential for an eating disorder.

Were this tool placed in the right hands, young people who are at risk of having an eating disorder could possibly be identified early on, thus, limiting the long term damage that is often incurred. At the very least, educators and those working with young people could be given an abbreviated version of the BSQ as well as intensive training in evaluating behavior and identifying symptoms or a potential for eating disorders. When there is a team atmosphere and professionals are working together to combat eating disorders, great strides can be made in identifying patients early. With the Body Satisfaction Questionnaire as a key component, lives can be saved.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about body shape questionnaire, please visit Fitness Book Review for current articles and discussions.

Pediatric Equipment - Outfit Your Practice Properly

A sick child's smile is worth all the laughter in the world. Trying to examine a child, on the other hand, requires patience, skill, and the right tools for the job.

Children have a tendency to move frequently during any kind of examination. Thankfully, immobilization equipment and restraints can prevent a child from squirming in order to properly diagnose a medical issue. Aside from effectively immobilizing a patient, a Pigg-o-Stat machine allows for a complete radiograph while helping a child to feel secure.

In addition to those tools that prevent movement, children require lots of unique products to keep them comfortable and safe while seeking medical attention. Often, children are terrified of visiting the family doctor or going to an emergency room based upon a simple fear of the unknown.

Items such as colorful, child-friendly, exam gowns and frocks will help them to feel less afraid almost immediately. In addition to helping a child feel at ease, pediatricians often have to find clever ways of weighing, examining, and transporting younger patients.

Small transfer boards made from high-quality linear plastic can make moving a child simple and stress free. Likewise, special pediatric stretchers are irreplaceable when it comes to emergency situations. Even the simplest tools such as stethoscopes and scales are a lot simpler to use when they are scaled down to fit a smaller body.

The goal of any pediatrician is to examine, diagnose, and treat a child as quickly as possible. Children may not like going to visit a physician, but they don't have to endure that visit for too long when the right pediatric equipment is used.

Stephen is a writer for Universal Medical Inc.

Universal Medical Inc is a premier provider of pediatric equipment and health care industry products. For the complete pediatric line - please visit

What You Can Do If Your Taste Buds Can't Taste

Imagine you sit down to eat your favorite dinner. You can remember how this meal used to make your mouth water... how you couldn't wait to take the first bite. But now, you're dreading the first bite because you know it's not going to taste like you remember. It's not going to taste like it's supposed to.

Millions of people live with "taste dysfunction". Some people with taste disorders lose their sense of taste entirely, but this is rare. For most people, a taste disorder distorts tastes or it affects some types of tastes, like sweet or salty, but not others. A taste disorder is not a life threatening condition, but it's disruptive and reduces your quality of life.

Unfortunately, the medical community often overlooks taste disorders. There are many reasons why a taste disorder might occur and there are different things you can do to get your sense of taste back. Being an informed patient can help you bring your situation to your doctor's attention so that you can get the help you need.

The Common Causes of Taste Disorders

There are a number of reasons why your sense of taste might not be working the way it should.

Prescription medications are a leading cause. Many medications can alter your taste perceptions. The most common drug that triggers a taste disorder is captopril (commonly prescribed under the name Capoten). This is a drug prescribed to treat high blood pressure or congestive heart failure.

Other drugs that cause taste disorders include antibiotics, antidepressants, decongestants, anti-inflammatory agents, lipid-lowering drugs, muscle relaxants, and drugs for high blood pressure among others. Exposure to toxic chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, or paint solvents can also trigger a taste disorder.

Oral infections can often lead to taste disorders. An oral yeast infection, gingivitis, an oral herpes outbreak, or periodontitis can all cause disruptions in your sense of taste. In some cases, oral appliances like dentures can also interfere with your sense of taste.

Another common cause of taste disorders is smell disorders. Often your sense of smell will play an integral role in how well you are able to distinguish different tastes. If you have a sinus infection, nasal polyps, an upper respiratory infection, or another type of sinus problem, that can disrupt your sense of taste.

Finally, a taste disorder can signal that you have a more serious condition such as a tumor, an endocrine disorder, or a nutritional deficiency. These causes are less common, but still something to consider.

Steps You Should Take To Kick Your Taste Buds Up A Notch!

If you notice that your sense of taste seems off-if foods taste funny or if the intensity of flavors is lower than you're used to-it's important that you don't ignore it. According to studies, taste disorders can dramatically affect your eating habits. Many people with taste disorders don't eat properly and their health suffers for it. 1

If you're taking any prescription medications, schedule an appointment with your doctor. It may be that the medication is causing your taste dysfunction, and your doctor may be able to provide you with an alternative.

If you are not taking any medications, it's a good idea to schedule an appointment with your doctor anyway. Because a taste disorder can signal a more serious condition, it's important that your doctor rule those possibilities out. Also, many taste disorders are actually a smell disorder stemming from nasal polyps. 2 This is another condition where you will benefit from your doctor's help.

In many cases, taste disorders are caused by an oral infection or because of an oral appliance like dentures. If you suspect that's the case, make an appointment with your dentist to discuss the best ways to remedy the situation.

Most of the time, a taste disorder is a temporary condition. Working with your doctor or dentist can help the disorienting condition pass more quickly. In the meantime, it's important that you take extra care in what you eat and how you season your food. Try to avoid overusing salt and sugar to make food palatable. Search for healthy foods that still taste good to you and build your meals around them.

Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute For Healthy Aging

1Green TL, et al. "Smell and taste dysfunction following minor stroke: a case report," Can J Neurosci Nurs 2008; 30(2): 10-13

2 Dzaman K, et al. "Taste and smell senses estimation in patients with nasal polyps," Otolaryngol Pol 2007; 61(5): 831-37

Melanoma Nevi Gallery

Do you worry that your irregularly shaped mole may be a fast spreading cancer? A melanoma nevi gallery may be able to put your mind at ease, or tell you that a trip to the doctor is a necessity in your near future. These easy to understand visual aids make it simple to know whether you should worry about an irregular area of pigmentation on your skin by allowing you to compare your own symptoms to pictures of melanoma and nevi.

Many people simply don't know what melanoma and other skin cancers look like in various stages. Getting appointments with doctors and dermatologists every time their is a slight change in one's skin may be impractical, costly, and even impossible. An online melanoma nevi gallery will make it easy to see whether your mole needs medical attention. You can simply find a mole that is similar to yours and see whether it was cancer or not. This may be all the information you need to make an informed decision.

A melanoma nevi gallery can't diagnose your problem the way a physician might, but it can provide examples of moles and nevi that have been found to be both malignant and benign. You will find many pictures of different moles and skin changes as well as whether they were found to be cancerous or not. There are a wide variety of examples, so the chances of finding one that is very similar to your own problem is quite high. Once you find a similar mole, you can see whether it needed further medical care and go from there. For many people, this level of information is enough to make a good judgment about whether a trip to the doctor is worth the time and expenditure.

If you have a suspicious mole, you should absolutely consult a doctor. But let's face it--doctors are busy, and getting an appointment may takes weeks. If you don't have medical insurance, there will be hundreds of dollars in medical bills as well, especially if the doctor decides to do a biopsy of the suspicious mole. Sometimes, you don't have the resources for a trip to the doctor and you need a tool that will help you make a decision on your own. The internet provides many resources to help you do this.

A melanoma nevi gallery on the internet is not by any means a replacement for adequate medical care, but it can help you determine whether medical care is necessary. In an era with soaring medical expenses and rising insurance rates, many people are having to prioritize when it comes to their medical needs. Having a place where you can go for solid medical information is the first step toward gaining control over your health.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about melanoma nevi gallery, please visit Melanoma Treatment Online for current articles and discussions.

We Need a Global Consortium For Brain Fitness and Training Innovation

The World Economic Forum asked me to write "an 800 words summary of your most compelling actionable idea on the challenges of aging and gerontology", in preparation for the Inaugural Summit of the Global Agenda taking place November 7 to 9th in Dubai.

Here you have my proposal to create a Global Consortium for Brain Fitness and Training Innovation and help ensure that "No Brain is Left Behind":

I. The Context

- Growing Demands on Our Brains: Picture 6.7 billion Primitive Brains inhabiting a Knowledge Society where lifelong learning and mastering constant change in complex environments are critical for productive work, health and personal fulfillment.

Welcome to Planet Earth, 2008.

- Further stretched by increased longevity: Now picture close to 1 billion of those brains over the age of 60 - and please remember that, less than 100 years ago, life expectancy was between 30 to 40 years. The rapidly evolving Knowledge Society is placing new and enormous demands on our "primitive" human brains. And the longer our lifespans, the more obvious the "cognitive gap". Hence, from a health point of view, the growing prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and its precursor Mild Cognitive Impairment. And, from a workplace point of view, the perception that older workers can't learn new tricks, and are to be substituted by younger employees as soon as practical.

- Significance of lifelong neuroplasticity: The good news is that substantive brain research is showing how our brains retain lifelong neuroplasticity (the ability of our brains to rewire themselves responding to experience), how they can physically be strengthened -via the Cognitive/ Brain Reserve- and its functions enhanced, opening the way to slow-down if not reverse the cognitive decline that often comes with age. Use it and Improve It may be more accurate than Use It or Lose It, and help close the growing cognitive gap. Humans can become the gardeners of our own brains by focusing on four pillars: a balanced diet, cardiovascular physical exercise, stress management and brain exercise that incorporates well-directed novelty, variety and challenge.

- Cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology are ready to step up: a growing number of research-based frameworks and applications present clear mainstream opportunities, yet they are often misunderstood, since they are presented in fragmentary and confusing ways. Think about the potential for having an annual "mental check-up" that helps set up a baseline and identify appropriate interventions. Think about being able to pinpoint specific needs and enhance, in non-invasive ways, specific neurocognitive functions, such as visual and auditory processing speed, working memory, executive functions, emotional self-regulation, attention.

II. The Problem

- We need bridges: There seems to be multiple areas of disconnect between gerontology, preventive healthcare overall, cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. Innovative and collaborative partnerships will be required to transform the growing amount of mainstream interest and research findings into a rational, interdisciplinary, and sustainable approach to neurocognitive fitness.

- Growing confusion among consumers and professionals: there are no "magic pills" or "general solutions", but very useful tools when used appropriately. Better assessments, taxonomies and integrated research efforts are required for the field to mature. Some brain functions tend to improve as we age, whereas some tend to decline. For example, as executives tackle many difficult situations over time, we grow an "intuition" (or crystallized pattern-recognition) for best approaches. As long as the environment does not change too rapidly, we can continue to accumulate wisdom. But some areas of mental functioning typically decline. We usually see this in areas that test our capacity to learn and adapt to new environments, such as effortful problem-solving in novel situations, processing speed, working memory, and attention. Research has shown that all these areas can be enhanced in older brains. But the priorities are not the same for all individuals, or for all objectives (safer driving, preventing Alzheimer's symptoms, improving memory...) In summary, the field holds much promise, but the picture is complicated.

III. The Opportunity

- A Global Consortium for Brain Fitness and Training Innovation composed of 100 leading universities, policy-makers, healthcare/ insurance providers and developers of technology-based neurocognitive assessments and training tools can provide the taxonomy, guidance and structure required to guide applications of cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology in gerontology and geriatrics -and healthcare overall.

- A transparent online presence could facilitate the engagement of professionals and the public at large. Especially, yes, of brains over 60.

- Outcomes:

1) Best practices: to share best practices in preventive brain health education, seniors housing, hospital-based programs, insurance-led initiatives, public policy efforts.

2) Standards: to define standards for neurocognitive assessments and training tools,

3) Taxonomy: to establish a common taxonomy and language,

4) Education: to engage professionals and the public at large in well-informed "brain maintenance",

5) Policy readiness: to anticipate policy implications and improve readiness,

6) Research path: to propose a research and applications path.

Copyright (c) 2008 SharpBrains

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which offers resources for brain training including free brain teasers. SharpBrains has been recognized by Scientific American Mind, Newsweek, The New York Times, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Mineral Water Healthy For You? Find Out Now

Is mineral water healthy? Yes, without a doubt. It is very healthy and it supplies your body with plenty of essential minerals and vital nutrients that are required for a number of biological functions within your body. The most important question, however, is - what do you mean by mineral water? Or which, according to you, is mineral water?

A lot of people are under the misconception that mineral water is nothing but the bottled water available in stores. While it is right to some extent, it is not completely right. When a question like 'is mineral water healthy' is raised, you need to understand that the mineral water in question here is the water available from natural sources. Let us take a detailed look now.

A lot of people are not aware of the fact that water in its natural state has a lot of essential minerals and vital nutrients that are required for our good health. So, in this context, when someone asks 'is mineral water healthy', you need to say yes. However, most people are deprived of these health benefits thanks to the water purifiers they use.

A lot of water purifiers today, based on flawed purification processes, tend to destroy the essential minerals present in water. As a result, the people who use those purifiers drink de-mineralized water which is neither tasty nor healthy.

Pure water, also called natural mineral water H2O, is very good for your health. However, you need to use good water purifiers that do not destroy the essential minerals present in it. This is where methods like reverse osmosis and point of use distillation fail. They both tend to destroy the essential minerals present in water during the purification process. So, the water you get from those units is not good for your health at all.

According to experts, activated carbon blocks are the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to drink natural mineral water H2O every day. Activated carbon block filters use ion exchange and micron filtration to get rid of all the contaminants present in water and they retain the essential minerals present in it.

Also, they do not alter the taste of water in any way. As a result, the water you get is pure, healthy, and tasty. They are also considerably cheaper when compared to some other water purifying units. So, they are considered simply the best choice for everyone.

Make the right decision today and buy an active carbon based water purifier. Drink natural mineral water H2O every day and stay healthy.

Kevin Proctor has studied health related issues for over 8 years. His research led him to realizing the importance of pure water as it relates to overall health. Kevin shares what he has learned on his website, Filtered Water For more information about water purification and to see the water filter systems he personally recommends visit Filtered Water

Do You Need to Worry About BPA in Plastic Bottles?

A recent study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association raises a concern about the chemical bisphenol-A, (BPA) in plastic bottles, metal cans and various food packaging, as well as in all those eco-friendly reusable water bottles we're all carrying around.

Based on a health survey, the study found that those who had higher amounts of BPA in their urine were more likely to report having heart disease and diabetes. Of course the research presents no information that says the BPA caused these conditions, and the study authors agree that you can't rule out the possibility that people who already have heart disease or diabetes are more vulnerable to having BPA show up in their samples.

True to form, NBC's Today Show aired a report earlier this year that glossed over the facts and highlighted a fearful danger - needlessly worrying millions of us who've fed our children from clear plastic baby bottles and sippy cups, who've tried not to add to the world's pollution by switching to re-useable water bottles.

The story had us turning over our plastic containers in search of numbers (resin ID codes #3, #6 and #7) that it turns out, don't have anything to do with a product being made from BPA, the chemical bad guy of the piece.

The "Consumer Alert" (inaccurately) said:

- There is no safe level of BPA, when in fact the chemical has been studied for many years and found to be safe, especially considering that the levels we ingest are thousands of times lower than the rats that have been studied.

- Plastics containing BPA aren't safe in the microwave, yet a Dutch study that focused on BPA migration after microwaving found no evidence of any such thing.

- Codes on the bottom of a container can tell you if it's safe. Wrong! These resin ID codes are intended to aid in recycling facilities, and have nothing to do with identifying bottles that have BPA. Any item intended to be used for food must pass tough FDA guidelines before its ever allowed on the market.

All this flies in the face of 40 years of science, according to a statement released by the American Chemistry Council a few days after the Today segment aired. Another thoughtful piece by Gilbert Ross, M.D. of the American Council On Science And Health (who also appeared, very briefly in the report) came out and called the Today report what it is - junk science.

Not only that, the in-studio guest, Dr. Leo Trasande of Mount Sinai Medical Center was given ample time during the six minute long segment to convey his message, while Dr. Ross had only 6 seconds to tell viewers that, "The toxic effects found on rats were done at thousands of times higher than we are exposed to in the environment."

Not so "fair and balanced" now is it?

The media mis-information comes as the result of a report by the National Toxicology Program that was a follow up from an expert panel review completed in 2007. Both the expert panel and the NTP reports similarly concluded a low-rate risk, or negligible concern, for adults and some concern for infants and children.

"That is the third-lowest ranking on NTP's five-level scale. Yet the media has mischaracterized the conclusions as suggesting a new direction is being given by NTP about the use of BPA. This is inaccurate," says Sharon Kneiss, vice president of the products division of the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

Until the science is sorted out, there is no way to tell if a bottle you're using is made with BPA. If you're especially concerned, you might want to avoid warming or microwaving food or beverages in plastic containers until more research on the leaking of the chemical can be completed.

In the meantime the FDA is having a second scientific panel give an opinion on the safety of BPA in plastic bottles and other packaging, though the agency has confidence in its own research, more carefully designed and thorough than the human studies that seem to be causing all the concern.

Over 14,000 people have joined Kirsten's popular (and sometimes controversial) Daily Health Bulletin, so why not join them and stay up to date with the latest in BPA Plastic Bottle safety and general health news daily.

You'll also get 5 comprehensive health reports for free when you join - giving you all the information you need to treat common ailments, lose weight, look younger and feel healthier.

Is Fatigue a Daily Occurrence?

If you struggle out of bed after two hours sleep, a night of partying and overeating, you will naturally feel tired and drag through the day. But if you go to bed at a reasonable hour and still wake up tired, you could have an underlying health problem. You may be able to solve this with a lifestyle change or you may need to seek medical help.

Some people have sleep apnea. Loud snoring indicates a high possibility of sleep apnea. This is particularly true if you also have morning headaches and high blood pressure. People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing for very short periods of time during their sleep. These pauses in breathing may occur frequently. The result is chronic fatigue and lessened ability to function during the day. If you have this combination of symptoms, you should see your doctor.

Fatigue can also be the result of a vitamin deficiency. Many people, particularly women, do not get enough B complex vitamins and vitamin C. A vitamin C supplement of 500 mg. together with 7 mg. of vitamin B5 and 100 mg of vitamin B6 can boost your energy and eliminate fatigue. Of course, you should check with your doctor before adding a new supplement to your diet.

Another problem could be lack of water or an improper drinking pattern. Remember, when you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. You need to drink water throughout the day to ensure you do not become thirsty.

Fatigue can be a side effect of medications. Some drugs that are prescribed to lower cholesterol interfere with the formation of coenzyme Q-10. Your body needs CoQ-10 to convert the foods you eat into cellular energy. So if you are taking these medicines, and you're fatigued, check with your doctor about either changing medications or adding a CoQ-10 supplement.

Fatigue can also signal thyroid problems. Thyroid problems are not only difficult to diagnose but the mild ones often go undiagnosed. Other symptoms of thyroid imbalance are cold hands, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, cholesterol problems, and anxiety. If you suspect you have a thyroid problem you need to see your doctor and be tested.

Eating too close to bedtime often brings on fatigue. Doctors recommend that you have nothing to eat in the last three hours before bedtime. Also, after your last meal of the day, spend thirty minutes in some type of mild physical activity such as walking. It should not be a strenuous activity but should require you to be in a standing position and moving.

Fatigue is the primary symptom of depression. Women are more susceptible to anxiety related fatigue than men because women's brains produce fifty percent less of the mood boosting serotonin. People should not be shy or embarrassed about consulting their health care provider if depression might be a problem. There are many medications available to help.

Women can also suffer fatigue due to yeast infections. The yeast releases biotoxins into the blood stream. These affect brain function and lower alertness and energy levels. Restricting your intake of sugar will often reverse yeast overgrowth.

The bottom line is you don't have to live with fatigue. Consult your health care provider and make the lifestyle changes, which will give you back your life again.

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Varicose Vein Treatment For the Elderly

As a person's body ages, there are some things that become more apparent than others, in accordance with lifestyle and genetics. Take, for example, the situation involving wrinkles. Wrinkles are the quintessential sign of old age, but at the same time, they can prematurely show up because of sun damage or smoking.

Conversely, an elderly person who has been active throughout their life can often become an excellent candidate for varicose vein treatment. Varicose veins, which are mostly something that females suffer from, happy because of three main reasons: Multiple pregnancies, improper support (in the form of shoes or pantyhose) , or circulatory problems could all be causes.

There are two main kinds of treatments available for elderly people who are otherwise healthy. The first available kind of varicose vein treatment is reserved for those who have veins that pose a problem of enabling a clot. This is, specifically, laser therapy. In this varicose vein treatment, a laser is pointed directly at the problematic vein in order to facilitate improved blood flow, thereby collapsing the vein. There will be several different treatment sessions, the amount of which depending on the severity of the vein.

The other kind of varicose vein treatment that is available is restricted only to those whose veins are more of an annoyance than anything else. This method is specifically referred to as sclerotherapy, and involves medicinal injections directly into the vein in order to collapse it back into the leg. This procedure will also be done over the course of several sessions.

More information on varicose vein treatments and a vein doctor in your area is just a click away.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal For Me?

A tattoo is an art form placed on the body, anywhere on the body, that helps people vocalize what their hobbies, favorite teams, significant others and way of life are. This form of art has been around for hundreds of years and has become incredibly popular in the United States. Doctors estimate that nearly 10 million people in the United States have tattoos today.

The process of having a tattoo removed can either be easy and for the most part painless or it can be difficult and leave ugly scars and marks on the body where the tattoo once was. Because of modern technology there have been developments in tattoo removal that involve lasers. The procedure is known as a laser tattoo removal. This procedure can be extremely effective when removing an unwanted tattoo from a person's body.

The process of a laser tattoo removal includes the use of a laser and its light beams. The laser projects high volumes of light onto the part of the body with the tattoo. The high intensity light from the laser targets the pigment of the tattoo. Ultimately the light will decrease the pigment of the tattoo and make it disappear from the body.

Once the laser tattoo removal process is complete the area treated should be cared for like sunburn. It should be wrapped in a sterile bandage and should not be subjected to sunlight until at least three days later. There could be some swelling and some pain at the onset and if it continues you should consult a doctor immediately.

More information on laser tattoo removal and a laser tattoo removal clinic in your area is just a click away.